• If it's to do with motivation, it's what we do..

Welcome to the STEM:NZ Website


You cannot expect people to  “look outside the square”,
by only exposing them to those who are still in it.

Here on my website you will find out all about STEM:NZ, Ian Harper, Motivation and Training. Ian has been called an undiscovered Motivational Luminary”.

Here you will be able to look up some of the professional services offered, price structures and things to buy or get for free.


Option One: Zoom, Teams or Skype sessions.

  • Available for up to 10 people per session.
  • One, two, or three-hour sessions.
  • Customised, practical sessions adapted from my person to person sessions.
  • Includes instruction on using the format and a workbook.

Option Two: Computer-based programmes (Self-paced)

  • A Power-point presentation.
  • A workbook.
  • Evaluation questions for each section.
  • Optional Phone, Zoom, Teams or Skype problem solving sessions in line with the specific content.

Option Three: Face to face training

  • Held at your place or a venue organised by you
  • Up to 20 participants
  • You are able to invite other organisations to join the training and charge them a fee.

Subjects Include:

Modules available by any of the three options mentioned, include the Employment Support in NZ collection.

  • Employment Support Theories, Philosophies and Models
  • Bi-cultural and Diversity Employment Support Practice
  • Personal and Career Planning
  • Job Development and Job Carving
  • Workplace Orientation, Training and Ongoing Employment Support
  • Marketing, Networking, Public Relations and Media
  • Professional Practice and Quality
  • Leadership and Integrated Practice
  • Developing “Disability Confidence” in potential employers

Popular General Programmes for Disability Support Staff

  • Self-Care
  • Maintaining Motivational and job satisfaction
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management
  • Developing a Positive Workplace Culture
  • Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

Go to Programme Details and Pricing Structure for more info

What do we believe ?
# People are the most valuable resource that any Organisation has
# For people to reach their potential they need a balance between structure and freedom to act.
# For training to be effective, a workplace based training and learning needs analysis needs to be developed as an integral part of the working activity.

What is our Vision ?
Our vision is that all businesses and organisation’s see the value of, and use, strategically focused training and development plans.

Why does STEM:NZ exist ?

  • To provide strategically focused training and related activities in partnership with management teams.
  • To be perceived by the people who use our services as being unique, innovative and effective
  • To provide services which result in increased quality, productivity and profitability for our clients
  • To assist our clients to benefit from becoming “Learning Organisation’s”

What does STEM mean ?

According to the Dictionary:
SYSTEMATIC: “Methodical, according to a plan, not casual or sporadic”
TRAINING: “Bringing people to a desired state or standard of efficiency by instruction and practice”
EDUCATION: “Intellectual and moral training by systematic instruction”
MOTIVATION: “Initiating or inducing a person to act by stimulation of interest etc”

Ten great reasons to utilize STEM:NZ ?

  1. You can contact us very quickly
  2. You will receive a customised programme, which will be designed in partnership with you, and which will have a focus on your strategic goals.
  3. You will become involved in programmes, which are presented in a unique style
  4. You will receive consultancy of a very high standard, which is practical in nature
  5. You will receive a full evaluative report following our programmes
  6. You will receive our support service after our programmes have been completed
  7. You will find us available beyond standard working times
  8. You will receive outstanding value for money
  9. You will receive programmes which are consistently proven to be effective
  10. Because feedback reiterates the first nine reasons

Who are STEM:NZ and who is Ian Harper ?

STEM:NZ ‘s founder, principal director, primary consultant, programme designer and facilitator is Ian Harper. He has had over 25 years experience in the health care field (as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse) before creating STEM:NZ and becoming involved in Training and Service Development in a wide variety of industries. Ian has built up a very positive reputation and has spoken at various conferences, in N.Z. Australia, England and Eire.

Ian was born in England and emigrated to NZ 30 years ago. Since then, he has become well known in NZ as a leading speaker on motivation and other staff and management issues, as well as non-specific humorous observations. His easygoing style has resulted in many requests to do “after-dinner” type speeches, panel discussions and MC at various events.

There are many advantages to accessing Ian for staff training, including his willingness to work with managers and staff, facilitating solutions based strategies that take into account individual learning styles, rather than the standard “one size fits all” approach.

Ian has had papers published in various magazines and has consistently developed and delivered effective, high quality services to his clients. He consistently receives positive and enthusiastic feedback from participants and clients.

Ian has worked in health and private sectors, gaining experience in training and staff development, human resources and Organisational development. He has become known for his expertise in human development and its affects on Organisational and individual work performance.

Ian Harper – Specialty Speaker

Speech types include:
# Keynote # Humorous # After-dinner # Before-dinner # Occasionally during dinner # Special occasions # Conferences etc

Subjects include:
# Motivation # Leadership / Management # Stress / Time management # Staff performance # Team building # Change management # Customised to your requirements

Speaking style:
Ian has a truly unique style that uses humour and stories to emphasize the key issues of his well researched speeches. He believes that motivating the audience to become genuinely interested in the subject matter is the key to a successful speech. If he can make his audience sit up and think about the subject in a positive way, and to have this continue after he has gone, he feels that he has succeeded.

What have audiences said about Ian :

“Without exception, everyone gained from the experience of listening to you”.
“The directors and many of the delegates especially mentioned you as the highlight of the 2 days”
“Congratulations, I didn’t drop off to sleep once”
“Great – very informative and constructive. He makes me feel motivated again”
“Very interesting and stimulating”
“Great sense of humour and used this to get things across”
“He was fun to watch”
“Used real examples to back up what he said”
“Very good, he is experienced in his field”
“What more can I say, he captivated our interest”